FET Academy




MMA FET is a Fitness program combined from mixed martial arts types, where the battleship moved from cage to GX room, controlled by the beats of music that driven by a sequence of real techniques to give you fit results that you are looking for.

MMA FET Course (mixed Martial Arts with choreographed Music)
It combines martial arts movements including: Kickboxing, Karate, Taekwondo, Gujitsu, Capoeira , Tai Chi, Ninja, mauythai and Boxing within a framework of dynamic sentences designed with passionate music in a scientific way.

Learning Outcomes:

MMA FET course benefits:

1. The students will get material, video, and music for the latest release to train on it.
2. Students can keep themselves updated by buying quarterly releases that have new choreography, techniques, and music
3. Students will learn how to do and control the class by teaching them the cuing techniques
4. They will burn 800 ? 1200 calories during the class
5. The course schema will build up their strength and durability
6. The students will learn all the martial arts techniques so they can build the class correctly
7. The course will teach the participants how to handle their attendees in case some get any injuries.


LLP Category:

Course - Face to Face

Suitable For:

Fitness Instructor (EQF L3), Group Fitness Instructor (EQF L3)

Learning Type:

LLP Category 1

Learning Hours:




After the course end (30 Hours) students will be given a 30 days of preparing and practicing of the release
Then they will record a video while they are doing the class considering the following points:
1. camera must be in 45 degree to watch and check all the techniques
2. must be at least 4 attendances during the class
Once the trainer finished the recording within the allowance period, must upload it privately to any of the file sharing online applications (Dropbox, OneDrive, WeTrasfer, Google Drive, etc) then sharing the link with full details as the following:
? Full name
? Training Name
? Training Date
? Training Location
? Ladies only assessment / General assessment
The assessment team will check the video and evaluated depends on the following criteria:
? Choreography: is the trainer apply the choreography in right way, and techniques ? Music: is the trainer follow the beats of the music while doing the class? Cueing: is the trainer gives the right cues in the proper time, and positions
If the trainer matches all the previous points in the right way, will marked as passed and get the certificate, if not then the assessment team will send an email clarifying all the missing, wrongs points and will give another chance to retest again.
Special cases in Training:? Ladies only assessments, FET assessment team always taking care in the following case (if the trainer chooses a lady only assessments) we guarantee that only a lady form assessment team will evaluate the recorded video

? Pregnant, in pregnant case FET will give a long period for the trainer even after delivery to make sure she will be in good health and situation.

Disabilities, this case always get a special care and support form FET academy to make people follow their passion and achieve their goals, and FET assessment team has special evaluation program for the disabilities.




