The European Week of Sport (EWoS) officially started on Monday, 23rd September 2019 in Espoo, Finland. The 2019 edition turned out to be the biggest one yet, as it saw 42 countries participating, with 50.753 different events taking place. All in all a total of 13.643.492 people were active at some time during the Week. An amazing performance!
The EWoS is the moment of the year were millions of people come together to participate in one of the world's biggest sport initiatives.Launched in 2015, the EWoS was created in response to the worsening inactivity crisis. Despite sport and physical activity substantially contributing to the wellbeing of European citizens, the level of physical activity is currently stagnating and even declining in some countries.
Kick-off in Finland
Eight thousand children, sport stars, teachers, trainers and key sport representatives from all over Europe and beyond gathered together to start the 5th edition of the European Commission’s sport initiative in Espoo. The opening ceremony revealed how inspiring the Week is for thousands of Europeans to become more active, more often. The conference allowed keynote speakers to focus on relevant topics like the role of sport organizations, the need for sport to be accessible and affordable for all age groups and the importance of cities to promote social cohesion and physical activity.
Tartu Declaration
Outgoing Commissioner Tibor Navracsics concluded the European Week of Sport opening conference with words of encouragement to keep the spirit and intention of the Tartu Declaration alive. He is rightly proud of his involvement and commitment to the sport and active leisure movement whilst Commissioner and hopes this will carried on by his successor. As a key representative of the sector, EuropeActive’s* commitment and contribution to the Week is represented by the #LetsBEACTIVE Project, an EU-funded project which targets up inactive adults aged 18-55 in 8 different EU countries with the aim of motivating participants into long-term healthy lifestyles.
Our 2019 project
The 2019 #LetsBEACTIVE Campaign also supported the European Week of Sport, demonstrating through figures how the fitness sector is the key element to get more people, more active, more often. The campaign collects detailed information about major fitness events in Europe and beyond organised by operators, suppliers, national associations, training providers, etc. The data will be included in the #LetsBEACTIVE Report addressed to European and National policy makers to show the influence and strength of the fitness sector.
Read more about the #LetsBEACTIVE Campaign
See what the #LetsBEACTIVE Project is about
* EuropeActive is EREPS' parent organisation.