EREPS - mind mapping

Are you contemplating following a new course or extend your scope of practise by learning new skills? Do you find yourself pondering if continuing education is worth the time and money? Why not plan for your future – starting with a Lifelong learning plan for 2020 – with the steps we propose on our blog:

Step 1: Brainstorming
A brainstorm is a thinking process commonly used in study and work situations. It can be done individually or in a group. When thinking about lifelong learning in 2020, and what it means for you, try the following steps:

  1. Take a piece of paper, use it horizontally.
  2. Write down “Life Long Learning 2020” in the centre of the page.
  3. Write down everything you can think of about lifelong learning / continued education. Topics, your general thoughts, personal improvements, time / money issues etc.
  4. Don’t organise the information at all - the purpose is to get it of your head and out and onto the page.
  5. Use key words or phrases to write your ideas.

You now have your thoughts, suggestions and ideas for your continued education in 2020 on a piece of paper.

Step 2: Organising
Organise the information of your brainstorm by identifying the main categories and linking the other information to those as follows:

  • circle the main categories
  • connect sub-points to main categories
  • use colours and visuals where helpful, use highlighters for things you find are important.

Step 3: Complete your mind map
Make a better, easier to understand version of your previous draft mind map. Change it a little if you prefer, but stick to the general idea. Rewrite the information under headings and sub-points if this makes for better reading. Make little drawings or use colours to help clarify the mind map. Hang your mind map in a visible place and start drafting an action plan!

Good luck!

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