It is a fundamental principle of EREPS that all members have a qualification that is aligned with the qualification Standards contained within the EuropeActive Sector Qualification Framework. These educational Standards cover the main occupational roles within the European fitness and physical activity Sector. Every Standard is developed and reviewed in consultation with experts from across the European fitness and physical activity Sector. In this way, the EuropeActive Standards are truly inclusive and reflective of the knowledge and skills requirements of various occupational roles and they provide the foundation for the on-going professionalism of our sector.
The International Standards Meeting (ISM) is an annual event which this year is being held in the beautiful city of Prague on 3 & 4 November. The ISM has become one of the most important vocational education events in Europe with the goal of ensuring high, comparable and standardised training of fitness professionals. This will be the first live ISM for 2 years and will provide the ideal opportunity for training providers, employers, practitioners and other stakeholders to come together in an historic European location to meet and discuss on-going Standards development.
This year’s programme reflects the key issues in workforce skills development and therefore, will provide some useful pointers for EREPS members in terms of the future directions of the Sector and the likely implications for them as qualified professionals. Dr. Paul Bedford, ‘The Retention Guru’ and a global fitness industry authority on retention, attrition and member experience will be providing fascinating insights into how fitness professionals can develop the skills to ensure client adherence and retention. Dr. Silvano Zanuso, the Scientific & Research Manager at Technogym will also explore how digital tools can facilitate greater connection to the health sector. There will also be an insightful panel session exploring the developing role of a ‘lifestyle coach’ who employs behavioural management techniques to facilitate and empower clients to adopt healthy lifestyles. The potential of this role will be examined and the implications for existing occupational roles such as a Personal Trainer considered.
In line with the EREPS Code of Ethical Practice, all EREPS members should keep in touch with wider developments within the Sector in terms of workforce skills development and would be encouraged to check out the EuropeActive and EREPS websites for updates in this regard. Alternatively, why not join us at the ISM in Prague and have your say on future fitness Sector workforce roles and skills needs.
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