As part of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between EuropeActive and ukactive, EREPS signed a Mutual Recognition Agreement with the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA).
The purpose of this agreement is to support and advance standards applied to exercise professionals, training providers and certification bodies in Europe and the United Kingdom in the promotion and maintenance of health-enhancing physical exercise and activity and healthy lifestyles.
Through this agreement, EREPS and CIMSPA will aim to promote and ensure the highest professional standards in the world to the benefit of the general recognition of our sector in the coming years. We commit to upholding and respecting the decisions made by each other in the practice and governance of our respective Registers, including recognizing and accepting the registration of members of the partner Register.
This agreement between two of the biggest Registers of exercise professionals in the world is a significant step forward in setting the standards for the fitness and physical activity sector workforce.
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