
Rebuild™ - EREPS Lifelong Learning Approved course on how to rehabilitate members and clients from Covid-19


Throughout Europe, many people have had their health and wellbeing severely affected by Covid-19. As the pandemic continues to pose a massive threat to the health systems of our European societies, EuropeActive has started to identify promising initiatives emerging from the fitness sector to support people infected with the virus in their path to recovery.

“Your Why” makes all the difference – Nutrition


This article is brought to you by EREPS Ambassador Rocco Venizelos

Firstly, the reason we have these extra pounds or the reason why we cannot lose them is not our metabolism, those evil genes, our bad fortune or a bad horoscope. The article of Andreas Zourdos (Nutritionist – Dietitian) “No, we are not what we eat” will solve many questions you may have.

“Your Why” makes all the difference - Workout


This article is brought to you by EREPS Ambassador Rocco Venizelos

Our body is probably one of the most amazing existing systems. So many different processes take place within it on a daily basis so it can maintain its homeostasis. It does not fancy change as much as we don’t. Whenever there is an incoming stimuli though, our body responds, evolves and then finds its balance after the new information it has received.

What to Eat and Drink Before and After HIIT Workouts


This article is brought to you by our friends from the American Council on Exercise (ACE).

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has become hugely popular thanks to real results in shorter periods of time and extensive benefits. With busy schedules the norm, it’s no wonder so many clients and potential clients are now seeking out these kinds of workouts.

Are you Promoting Social Inclusion through Fitness? #BeInclusive Award


The European Commission recognises the ability of sport to break down barriers. As with any physical activity, fitness can be a powerful tool to bring together people from all kinds of backgrounds – in particular from disadvantaged groups –  too. The #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards want to highlight and celebrate activities, projects and programmes that do so. 

The Benefits of Unilateral Training


This article is brought to you by our friends from the American Council on Exercise (ACE).

Ask a new client about his or her goals and the answer is often along the lines of, “lose weight and tone up.” Meeting the first goal is relatively straight forward—adhering to an exercise program to increase energy expenditure while following proper nutritional intake should result in weight loss. Addressing the second goal, however, requires educating your clients about what it really means to “tone up.”

Don't miss: Our webinar on the Immune System (23 April)


Having a robust immune system is more important than ever as we are constantly challenged with infections, toxins, trauma, stress and poor nutrition. It's important to understand and be able to recognise the problems that we face when our immune system is not operating optimally. This will be the topic of our EREPS webinar on Thursday 23 April, 15:00 CET*.