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Setting goals in life is important.
When it comes to fitness, it can be said that goals determine your success.
SMART goals have nothing to do with intelligence. They have emerged through behavioral psychology and intend to be useful and effective in order to “push” you to achieve them.
What do SMART goals mean?
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time bound
Goals have a numerical value in order for you to achieve them. For example, do resistance training 3 times a week for the next 8 weeks. This is so specific that it leaves no room for misinterpretation.If, for example, you say “I want to exercise more” this goal basically means nothing and everything at the same time. If you only walk a few minutes, you technically exercise more but it is unlikely you will see results. If the goals are not specific, it is much more difficult to understand if you have achieved them and what you need to change if you did not achieve them.
If you say “I want to lose 5 kilos in the next three months” then you have set a measurable goal, while if you just say “I want to lose weight” then things are more vague. You may lose a pound and not see any change and get frustrated even though you have technically lost weight. If the goal is not measurable and leaves a lot of room for interpretation, then you need to reconsider.
It is not wrong to set big, long-term goals, but most fitness programs focus on what one can do in a few weeks or months. An achievable goal will always be related to the level of fitness you are in.
For example, if you want to be able to lift 4.5 kg and then do a barbell squat then one or two months of training are enough. On the other hand, if you have not exercised for years, lifting weights and doing back squats at the same time will take years. You need to adjust the goals according to your level. In general, your goals should “push” you to be healthier and stronger and not be difficult nor too easy.
These are the goals that are tailored to the needs of your life, health and fitness, but also to your interests.For example, if you have high blood pressure and diabetes, it would be better to focus on a weekly aerobic exercise goal than to make a 30-inch (76.2 cm) vertical jump. On the other hand, if you are coaching a college basketball team, focusing on the height of the vertical jump would be more appropriate than doing aerobic exercises.
Time bound
This means that the goals must be achieved within a certain period of time. Although there is no specific rule, most goals are achieved within 1 to 3 months. If you say “I want to lose 4.5 kg in 3 months” you will have a specific time frame in front of you, while if you just say “I want to lose 4.5 kg”, you may be disappointed if by the sixth week you have not lost the pounds.
Giota Florou
Find out more about Base Training: www.basetraining.org/en/homepage/


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