
Cueing in Small Group Training

This article is brought to you by Physical Coaching Academy
One way a great trainer can distinguish him- or herself from other trainers is by good cueing.
What is cueing?
Cue / (ˈkjuːɪŋ) / refers to a signal or a stimulus that results in an action. In other words, giving instructions, pointers or directions. The way trainers cue will predict the way clients learn specific movements and exercises.

Exercise and music: Rhythm and fitness

This article is brought to you by Base Training
According to a new scientific study, music during exercise makes it easier and more enjoyable, while maximizing performance at the same time!
As part of the study, researchers at the University of Brunel composed a song that can help increase speed while running, as well as improve your fitness.

Stretching is not just about fitness

This article is brought to you by Base Training
You have probably heard that stretching should be done at the end of each workout because it relaxes your muscles and prevents injuries.
However, stretching can be done separately and even daily, because it is essential for both our physical and mental health.
Stretching benefits
  • Flexibility

Strength Training principles: how to educate new clients effectively


This article is brought to you by Physical Coaching Academy

As trainers and fitness professionals, it is essential to remember that every client and member we work with starts their strength training journey with a different baseline and understanding of strength training principles and best practices. Many individuals are unaware of the science behind strength training.

“Your Why” makes all the difference – Motivation


This article is brought to you by EREPS Ambassador Rocco Venizelos

It is our emotions that lead us away from the right path. Unless we exercise some degree of control over them, we will end up victims of our own reality as emotions are an ever-changing variable. It is, therefore, essential to build up our defenses to carry on and persevere until we reach our goal. Our defense IS our motivation.

“Your Why” makes all the difference - Workout


This article is brought to you by EREPS Ambassador Rocco Venizelos

Our body is probably one of the most amazing existing systems. So many different processes take place within it on a daily basis so it can maintain its homeostasis. It does not fancy change as much as we don’t. Whenever there is an incoming stimuli though, our body responds, evolves and then finds its balance after the new information it has received.

What to Eat and Drink Before and After HIIT Workouts


This article is brought to you by our friends from the American Council on Exercise (ACE).

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has become hugely popular thanks to real results in shorter periods of time and extensive benefits. With busy schedules the norm, it’s no wonder so many clients and potential clients are now seeking out these kinds of workouts.

The Benefits of Unilateral Training


This article is brought to you by our friends from the American Council on Exercise (ACE).

Ask a new client about his or her goals and the answer is often along the lines of, “lose weight and tone up.” Meeting the first goal is relatively straight forward—adhering to an exercise program to increase energy expenditure while following proper nutritional intake should result in weight loss. Addressing the second goal, however, requires educating your clients about what it really means to “tone up.”